If you pay attention and you are patient to let things grow and take shape, then soon comes the signs that things are taking shape. Eventually, because of all the links to your site on others, Google, Yahoo! and MSN will find your site and start sending you traffic. Perhaps around the three-month or four-month stage you'll be receiving 100 visitors a day. And if you have taken your time to build and put interesting key-word-rich content site, then be even more assured that visitors will like what they see and some site owners will start linking to you and asking you to link back to them.
Keep at it. You're just getting warmed up.

The payoff time comes... - STEP 16:

About six months down the road, after putting some expenses with quite a lot of hard work and research, you hit your magical $200 a month mark, from affiliate sales and from AdSense ads on your site. Though, this will depend greatly on the niche you've chosen and how much of skills you've learned, you might earn considerably more than $200 for a start. Perhaps after 12 months, you'll be earning $700 to $1,000 a month from your site. And the good part of it, is that the checks keep coming in, month after month, even when you take a little vacation to give yourself a rest. Now the excitement is on and you start telling friends how easy affiliate marketing is, and get puzzled when they're not convinced that its actually affiliate marketing that is bringing you money.

Of course, it's not really easy. It now seems easy after you've worked out the hard part of it...or the NON-payoff, leaving now the easy work that pays like crazy.

But if you've merely scanned the instruction manual and jumped right in without doing any research on both yourself (your interest and passion) the market (demand for profitability and the availability) but just went on to built a "Make Money on the Internet" site, you'll probably earn very little. A search on Google for "make money" displays more than 12 million pages. If one of those is yours, you have a LOT of competition to beat.
If you did this and it isn't working for you, go back to step 1 and start again. Download and read the Affiliate Masters E-course


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