What is Backlink?

Backlink is essentially the same thing as in-link or incoming links, also in-bound-links, and inward links. It is a link of your site or a page of your site on another site that brings people from the site you are link in, to your site. This attitude in opposite is referred to as out bound-link, This where you collect links of other peoples website or page and place it on your site or perhaps a person you authorize can link their page or website to that of yours, thus making visitors who initially visited your site to go to others website for more information.

It is extremely important to garner a large number of backlinks that are reputably obtained for several reasons.
First, in SEO or search engine optimization, part of the algorithm for ranking your page on search engines, is determined by the number and quality of backlinks to your site, providing they occur naturally.
Second, backlinks are the way your site get known on the Internet. If lots of other sites provide a link to yours, a natural increase in traffic to your web pages will occur.

The two places where you should be looking to get backlinks from - if you’re trying to increase traffic and search engine ranking (where your site will appear on a search engine) - are general sources, perhaps sites that review pages like digg.com, and on other sites that bear some relationship to your kind of site.

The ability to click on a piece of text and see a related page is a fundamental part of what makes the World Wide Web useful. For an individual website owner back-links, in-links or inbound-links are important for the following reasons
  • They can increase your ranking in search engine results pages for queries using the keywords in the link anchor text
  • Inbound links from a site already indexed by a search engine will enable the robot to find your site during the normal indexing process. Each link represents a possible entry point to your website, increasing the frequency and depth of indexing.
  • They can increase your site's PageRank or ranking with similar algorithms
  • They bring an increase traffic to your site
The first two benefits are probably the most significant. Page Rank is a key component of the Google search engine but it has been considerably diluted by recent algorithm changes. If you have created a content rich, authority site for your keywords, inbound-links will trickle in naturally as webmasters link to your pages.

However it is a bit of a Catch-22 situation because inbound-links and especially their associated anchor text count as a major element in site rankings. Webmasters looking for interesting content to link to may have difficulty finding your site until there is sufficient inbound-link density.

Getting listed in a search engine can in itself be a struggle. Some engines let you submit links for free with no guarantee of when your site will be indexed. Others require a payment, especially for rapid submission. There are even engines that seem to have no obvious means of submitting new sites. However a single link from a site already in the search engine's index is usually the fastest way of getting listed with the advantage of costing nothing.


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